
Showing posts from 2019

unity progression

assignment 1 - board games - final evaluation for boardgame - week 5

aasignment 1 - boardgames - blind playtesting - week 5

Assignment 1 boardgame - Gameboard update - week 4

Assignment 1 board games - boardgame updated - week 4

Assignment 1 - Boardgame - Whistleblower progression development update - week 3

Assignment 1 - boardgames - game board progresion - week 3

Assignment 1 - boardgames - Brainstorming ideas update - week 2

Experimenting with Maya - Lego vehicle

First animation experimentation error

Assignment 1 - boardgames - experimenting with Maya

Assgnment 1 - boardgames - brianstorming ideas - week 2

Assigment 1 - Boardgames- game idea notes - week 1

Assignment 1 : Boardgames - primary research - week 1
