Assignment 1 - boardgames - Brainstorming ideas update - week 2

 This is my progression update which relates to the previous post I make on my progression on this project about my gameboard ideas, which now at this monument I thought a lot about the type of game I wanted to work on which from my ideas of the multiple games I wrote down.  I decided to go for one of my game idea called the whistleblower, which the game is evolved around stragity and progression through the game, which was inspired by the mechanics of these games called yu gi oh and monopoly due to their heavily use of there mechanics, which are the use of strategy by the yu gi oh cards which allows the player in control to allow then to use what ever card they want and having a thought behind the use of placing the card down, on the other hand monopoly uses the progression which easily shows each players progression through the game allowing then to know where they are in game at all times.
which I now I started on my first layout ideas of my game, which shows wide space to show the progression of the player around the board and in the centre it has a card placement to show the players the cards they are using, which this would be effective by the use of being in the centre of the board allowing the players to show them what they using at all time but also allowing them to know where their position is on the board, which is way I think this is effective to be used for my board game but also making sure that the mechanics also fits well with the theme and style of this game.
Also I created my first batch of cards for my board game where I research into whistleblowing, internet security and computer viruses. The reason is that I wanted the game to have cards that are related to the theme of the game. By the use of the design or the description of the cards to make the game feel more related and blend in well with each components, which is why I cant wait to do my first play test this to see any issues with the game but also having advise and improvement recommende by my class mates.
with the ideas of cards in my board game I wanted to give the player the choice in their hand to place any card down, but doesn't weigh down the player with too many choices, I then thought of the ideas of the player holding a limited amount of cards where it doesn't slow the pace of the game with the limit the player can make interesting choices where it may turn the tide of the player.


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