Assignment 1 : Boardgames - primary research - week 1

With the start of our first assignment of board games, we have to create a physical and playable game, but have to make sure that the game we would be creating using the theme of Odds and relates to the brief.
For me its a very interesting theme to think towards creating a gameboard, which then I research into the word Odd to understand the meaning of it and the synonyms of the word, which  help me a lot to understanding what I would be thinking  about when I progress through into the brainstorming phase of ideas and thoughts of the game.
Also I thinking about the theme of odd and how the theme would be involved the games mechanics, which I then when back to play my favourite board games to help me understand the mechanics of those games. The games I played was the yu gi oh card game, secret hitler and monopoly. which to me these games have the components of what I like when playing a board game, which are the psychology between the players, the strategy of thinking of how to beat your opponent and the progression of knowing that your status is during the game which for me these components would be using in future ideas and development.
with the game in development I have an idea of how the players feel like when they are interaction where the players are in a calm status like chest where they foucs and think on their next steps and what cards they use during the game, but still keep this flow of the game at a steady place depemding of the player but this is what I imaging of the players interation.
