Project AIDA Urban scene 3

These are the laterst updates of scene 3 whre ive placed the models in the sceen which this level took to longest to do because of the scale and how the layout of the scene, we include the portals in to teleport the player to multiple and unique interia locations in the scene, with the large scale scene we inclue 3 different interia locations where the player can explore and replay the game over again. The places are the cave, appartemnt and the soviet building which have their own custom models, music and animations. The apartment is first location intera i've done, it's based and influence by our team member Georgie who is from bulgaria his infomation on european layout and settng was very useful, and shown in the images it very depressing and eerie location due to the layout and the colours of the lighting, we also included Georgies urban concept art in the scene of the bedroom and artwork from his cousin who produces unique and disturbing art work which we felt it would fit well in the scene. Ive also added a trigger to activate a song where i download it from soundcloud, the song is xxtentation Save me which i chose this song due to the style and nature of the song and how well it fits into the scene making it way more creppy and dsiturbing and effective.
