Project AIDA the Hornets Nest level

this is the new level called The hornet nest which this idea came along from the inspiration of playing games like metal gear solid which the level is a stalth based leel where the player can not attact or shoot any of the enemies which the idea of the level is to be stealth and tactical which the player can do a stealth take down on the enemies which would allow them to explore the map and allow them to manuvor around the scene to the objective, the AI took some time to develop as the orginal AI was design to be llocating the player rather than patroling and enemie detection which as a team the challenge and task was risky but rewarding as we never done this concept before as a level or the theory of the mechaic s in pracice before in our projects which after doing some research and looking at other options we felt this would be te better and more suitable option to make sense for the sotry and gameplay of the game. the level design was inspired of the metal gear series of it larger envirouments from its industrial setting and military presents, we felt the enviroument of this large power plant style building with all the radios and telecoms lights in the darkness brings a more lager and overbearing presnts, with this private military as an opstical for the player that provides a new challenge to game play and level layot compare to our other levels in our game.
